Camping hiking gear durability-MSR WindBurner Combo System

site_and_condition _managed:like new
size_and_size2 2.5l/1.5l:
color grey:#4d4d4d

This stove system combines the ultra-efficient performance of WindBurner stove technology with the ultimate tools for backcountry cooking. Featuring a Fusion ceramic-coated 2.5 L sauce pot and an 8' skillet, this modular stove system offers simmering and cooking versatility for small groups, and full compatibility with all WindBurner cookware. The stove's windproof radiant burner and pressure regulator maintain its performance in all conditions, whether you're cold-weather camping with friends, or cooking a gourmet meal on a windy beach or mountain slope. The stove system nests all components for easy, efficient packing.image

414 Hickory Ridge Drive Las Vegas Nevada 89108