Camping hiking gear wave-MIRAZYME 2OZ

Size 2OZ

You can’t outrun stinky triathlon or cycling gear. Synthetic fabrics, tents and cycling shoes are a trap for odor-causing bacteria.

When washing just isn’t enough, you need the odor eliminating power of MiraZyme™ by Gear Aid®. Rather than hide or mask bad odors, MiraZyme utilizes a natural blend of microbes to safely remove the bacteria causing the odor.

From cycling jerseys to camping equipment, gloves and footwear, remove bad odors from outdoor fabrics once and for all with MiraZyme.

  • All-natural odor eliminator
  • Removes odor and organic debris from outdoor gear
  • Removes odors typically associated with mold, mildew, bacteria and algae
  • Safe for use on tents, triathlon gear, synthetic fabrics, wetsuits, cycling jerseys, footwear, gloves and more
  • Bio-degradable solution penetrates into the pores of fabric to eliminate odor naturally
  • Fragrance-free; does not mask odors
  • Environmentally-friendly formula